Snow angels were always my favorite and they still are. It was easy to do, and it gave me the chance to lay down in the fluffy snow and really feel it. It let me just take it all in as the snow falls on your face, because my face was looking up, and I would open my mouth to catch as many snowflakes in my mouth as possible. After I finished my snow angel, I would just lay there. I don't know why, but I felt so protected.
Today, my opinion on snow hasn't changed. The only difference now is the fact that I have to drive in the snow, and sometimes that's just a bit dangerous. But besides that, snow is something I truly love.
As I've grown up, snow has made less and less of an appearance in Tennessee, but recently, there has been a lot of snow. When it snows, I always feel like God is erasing all the bad in the world. It's almost like it lightens the mood, or makes all things fresh, but for me, it's a reminder.
Recently, I've been struggling because I've been going through something that no one ever wants to go through...a breakup. It's been about a month since it happened, and boy have I come a long way. Looking back to the moment when it happened, I felt like God had abandoned me. Why would God let me go through so much pain? I was so angry. I was so sad. I was so hurt. But God is an awesome God.
God knows my heart. He knows exactly what to do to make a bad situation into something so good. The next morning after the break up, guess what I woke up to? ... SNOW. Wow. God is awesome. It continued snowing for the next three days. During those few days, I was so confused, I was so lost, but God let the snow keep falling. It was almost as if he was reminding me that he was right there beside me. Like when I was a kid laying in the snow and feeling that protection, God was reminding me of that exact feeling. He was holding me in his arms...I just had to let him.
Right now, I am watching the snow fall as I write this. God is doing some serious work on my heart right now. But if it wasn't because of my bad situation, I would have never gotten here. I need to let God decrease ME to nothing, so that he can build me up and remold my heart to be a heart that yearns for God and him alone. He is getting rid of the old me, so that I can be new again in him.
Snow is a funny thing. Even in its beauty, it kills all the life on the earth...the trees lose their leaves, the flowers wither away. Once the snow ends, however, the earth has a fresh start. The flowers bloom, the trees fill back in their original splendor, and a fresh feeling fills the air after the snow leaves. That's what God has to do to each one of us. He doesn't want us to go through pain, but when we do go through it, he saves us. He wipes us clean and gives us a new beginning. It takes time, but in the end, it turns out better than it ever could have been before the snow came. What an amazing God.
Thanks for the snow,'s beautiful.