This school year is coming to an end...finally. It's taken a lot of getting used to, but overall it has been wonderful! I mean, come on, college compared to high school is way better. But as this academic year dwindles to an end, I feel so pressured with so much work...busy work it seems. Nonetheless, work is work. I feel like I have no time for me. More importantly, I feel like I've been leaving God out of the mix.
The only time I've really set aside for God is my car ride to and from the gym and every night before I go to sleep. I'm one of those crazy people you see jamming out in the car to the radio, but instead it's my Sanctuary CD. Sanctuary is a praise and worship thing that goes on in Nashville every Thursday and I like to replay the moment in the car. I can't get enough of it. But when I step back to look at the big picture, I really don't give enough of myself or my time to my Creator.
I guess it just all comes down to time management. I'm a college student. I should be a pro at time management, but that's not the case when it comes to God. That's not right. Wow.
This last week, I've started something new. The second I wake up, I say, "Good morning, God." Throughout the day, I live my prayer. I never open or close. Just live. I talk to him now. When I go to bed at night, I tell him goodnight. I've already seen a difference in how I feel about my relationship with God. It feels so good.
So I just wanted to encourage setting more time aside for God. It will change your day. I promise.