Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Who here among us has not been broken
Who here among us is without guilt or pain
So oft' abandoned by our transgressions
If such a thing as grace exists
Then grace was made for lives like this

There are no strangers
There are no outcasts
There are no orphans of God
So many fallen, but hallelujah
There are no orphans of God

Come ye unwanted and find affection
Come all ye weary, come and lay down your head
Come ye unworthy, you are my brother
If such a thing as grace exists
Then grace was made for lives like this

O blessed Father, look down upon us
We are your children, we need Your love
We run before Your throne of mercy
And seek Your face to rise above
-"Orphans of God"

I don't know if you have ever heard this song, but I heard it for the first time this past weekend on a retreat. But instead from hearing it over the stereo system, I heard it from the lips of a sweet girl named Natalie. 

Natalie is from Maldova, a place where she was orphaned as a young child and saved from a life of prostitution by willing servants of God. But thanks to His marvelous love, Natalie was rescued from this fate.

Now, Natalie lives in a Christian-based home that was built by the hands and hearts of volunteers in Maldova with a group of many other orphaned girls who were rescued from the same fate. In this home, Natalie heard this song and fell in love with it. She learned the meaning of the English words and realized how this song was about her. This song was her story

She was invited to come to the retreat I was at to sing this beautiful song, with her "father" playing acoustic guitar in the background and her friends surrounding her on stage. While everyone listened to this sweet girl sing these powerful words, I think that every heart melted, mine included. It felt as if time stood still. 

When this performance sadly ended, it wasn't long before the audience was standing on their feet in loud applause and amazement (and many in tears). Not only in amazement of Natalie's singing, but of how awesome God is. God was there on stage with Natalie that night...and everyone knew it, everyone felt it.

I wish that everyone could have heard this performance. I will never forget the sound of her voice or the image of her in tears as everyone was standing for her in applause.

Natalie was saved by the love of our Father in heaven, and because of His love, there are no orphans. 

Thank you, Natalie, for your story. 


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

God Bless America

January 20th is a date that comes every year, but is only important to most Americans once every four years. Inauguration Day. Today is that day.

Now I'm not going to talk about who I voted for, what side of issues I stand on, or what I think about our new President. I'm not much of a political person, so it's not gonna happen. Instead, I just wanted to say something short and simple (sorry if it comes off as irritated...well that's because it is).

No matter who you wanted to become the new President, be assured: Everything happens for a reason. Whether or not you like it, President Obama is the new leader of our country. Yes, I understand that people who weren't on Obama's side aren't too thrilled, but now  all I have to say is get over it. Accept it. There are so many people whining because they think the world is coming to an end simply because Obama is our new President and that John McCain didn't. Oh please. Our God is so much greater than that. What an insult to our Creator to say something so ignorant as "the world is coming to an end" all because of one politician.  I'm so sick of it. For one, on the literal side, only God knows when that day is so don't even. Secondly, ye of little faith. Take comfort in the fact that God knows what he is doing. Have faith that our Lord has a plan. He is an All-Knowing and All-Powerful God.

I  don't know about you, but I serve an Awesome God. I know that President Obama is in office for a reason. All I can do is pray that God will bless Obama  and to surround him with the right people to help him do his job in the best way possible. Pray for our new leaders and those surrounding the President. Pray for our country. Pray for this planet we call home. Trust in Him.

God Bless America.


Monday, January 19, 2009


Last night, I was sitting on Panama City beach alone spending time with God, having spent all day around crazy college students at a church retreat. It was about two o'clock in the morning, no one was around, everything was quiet except for the sound of the waves crashing on each other off the shore. How peaceful is that? How beautiful is God's handiwork. Wow, I thought to myself, what an Awesome God. I felt so comfortable. 

But wait. Comfortable? I thought about this word for a bit. I can say that I am extremely blessed by everything the Lord has given me in my life so far. Yes, bad things happen, but I live a comfortable life...

I thought about a praise and worship we had earlier that day (which was amazing, especially since that's where I feel closest to God) and how the lead singer asked us to kneel. Behind me, I heard people grunt at the thought of having to get out of their comfy chairs, get on the floor, and kneel, and to be honest I wasn't too thrilled at this either. But then he said something that really made me think- a person's posture really shows how a person is feeling, and every now and then kneeling before God is a way of placing all our feelings, everything we have, before our Lord...even if it makes us feel uncomfortable. 

Once I got into my kneeling position before God, all these thoughts starting rushing through my mind about my life and how I am often too comfortable. Jesus didn't come to earth to live a life of comfort. I don't think there is a single mention of Christ high rollin' with the wealthy, fine dining with the rich and famous, or being in the most popular circle of friends. Instead, Christ hung out with the tax collectors, the prostitutes, the outcasts...He was hated by so many, and then killed by the ones He came to save. That does NOT spell out comfort in my eyes. 

So what does this mean to me? While sitting on the beach, I thought about this question for quite some time. Here's my conclusion- sometimes you have to be uncomfortable to realize what comfort really is. I shouldn't strive to live a life of comfort by surrounding myself with nice things, but that I need to live my life based off the knowledge that I am truly loved by God, the King of kings, the I Am, who sent his one and only Son to die on the cross for me. That is all the comfort I need. Everything else will fall into place. Just have faith. 

Once I stood up from kneeling in the praise and worship, I felt different. It wasn't until two o'clock the next morning for me to come to the realization that the difference was that I felt uncomfortable for once- and boy it felt so good. I pray that God will not only place me into uncomfortable situations in my life, but to throw me in them. 

God, I give You my life- so do with it what you will...even if it makes me uncomfortable because that's what Christ did for me. You love me, and that's all the comfort I need. 

